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Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Dark Forest


  1. i like the back ground and the hairstyle of the girl.I would like to see them taking position more bestial.
    Thanks for the good job!

  2. Thanks!! I'll see what else I can work up.

  3. This is really hot! Though sometimes I do wonder whiy we find these things sexy. This muscular demon beast adds a certain hotness to the scene, but isn't this kind of sick?
    Blah, nevermind, I love it! :)
    More would be appreciated!

    Best wishes,

  4. More, More Please. Love the monster sex. How about adding oral? Ever think about maybe short goblin guys, maybe more than one at a time? This trio of pics are Exceptional and I really really appreciate that they are a little larger sized the most. More please.

  5. Thanks! I'll see what I can come up with.

  6. The thing I like about your monster sex images is that the women are willing and they enjoy it. The contrast between hot babe and hideous creature is also fun.
